Google Maps street view images can be used to detect signs of social, economic, environmental and health inequality in major UK cities Giulia Mangiameli April 18, 2019Press
England’s poorest die 10 YEARS before richest and the gap is growing Giulia Mangiameli November 23, 2018Press
Wealthy Brits live 10 years longer than poor, new study finds Giulia Mangiameli November 23, 2018Press
Poorest dying nearly 10 years younger than rich, study shows Giulia Mangiameli November 23, 2018Press
Why life expectancy gap between rich and poor in UK is growing Giulia Mangiameli November 23, 2018Press
Life expectancy falling for women in poorest areas of England Enrico Sciumbata November 23, 2018Press
Vancouver part of multi-million dollar Healthy Cities project Giulia Mangiameli September 11, 2018Press
Official Launch Of Pathways To Equitable Healthy Cities Project Giulia Mangiameli March 19, 2018Press