
151 entries « 2 of 7 »


Alam R, Quayyum Z, Moulds S, Radia MA, Sara HH, Hasan MT, Butler A

Dhaka city water logging hazards: area identification and vulnerability assessment through GIS-remote sensing techniques

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, vol. 195, pp. 543, 2023.

NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC)

Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents’ growth and development

Nature, vol. 615, pp. 874-883, 2023.

Alli AS, Clark SN, Wang J, Bennett JE, Hughes A, Hughes AF, Ezzati M, Brauer M, Nimo J, Bedford-Moses J, Baah S, Cavanaugh A, Agyei-Mensah S, Owusu G, Baumgartner J, Arku RE

High-resolution patterns and inequalities in ambient fine particle mass (PM2.5) and black carbon (BC) in the Greater Accra Metropolis, Ghana

Science of The Total Environment, vol. 875, pp. 162582, 2023.

Chang J, Deng Q, Hu P, Yang Z, Guo M, Lu F, Su Y, Sun J, Qi Y, Long Y, Liu J

Driving time to the nearest percutaneous coronary intervention-capable hospital and the risk of case fatality in patients with acute myocardial infarction in Beijing

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 20, iss. 4, pp. 3166, 2023.

Bennett JE, Rashid T, Zolfaghari A, Doyle Y, Suel E, Pearson-Stuttard J, Davies B, Fecht D, Muller ES, Nathvani R, Sportiche N, Daby HI, Johnson E, Li G, Flaxman S, Toledano MB, Asaria M, Ezzati M

Changes in life expectancy and house prices in London from 2002 to 2019: hyper-resolution spatiotemporal analysis of death registration and real estate data

The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, vol. 27, pp. 100580, 2023.

Zhang M, Shi Y, Zhou B, Huang Z, Zhao Z, Li C, Zhang X, Han G, Peng K, Li X, Wang Y, Ezzati M, Wang L, Li Y

Prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension in China, 2004-18: findings from six rounds of a national survey

BMJ, vol. 380, pp. e071952, 2023.

Zhang Y, Liu N, Li Y, Long Y, Baumgartner J, Adamkiewicz G, Bhalla K, Rodriguez JI, Gemmell E

Neighborhood infrastructure-related risk factors and non-communicable diseases: a systematic meta-review

Environmental Health, vol. 22, pp. 2, 2023.


Kanagasabai T, Carter E, Yan L, Chan Q, Elliott P, Ezzati M, Kelly F, Xie G, Yang X, Zhao L, Guo D, Daskalopoulou SS, Wu Y, Baumgartner J

Cross-sectional study of household solid fuel use and renal function in older adults in China

Environmental Research, vol. 219, pp. 115117, 2022.

Gemmell E, Ramsden R, Brussoni M, Brauer M

Influence of neighborhood built environments on the outdoor free play of young children: a systematic, mixed-studies review and thematic synthesis

Journal of Urban Health, vol. 100, iss. 1, pp. 118-150, 2022.

Nathvani R, Clark SN, Muller E, Alli AS, Bennett JE, Nimo J, Moses JB, Baah S, Metzler AB, Brauer M, Suel E, Hughes AF, Rashid T, Gemmell E, Moulds S, Baumgartner J, Toledano MB, Agyei-Mensah S, Owusu G, Agyei-Mensah S, Arku RE, Ezzati M

Characterisation of urban environment and activity across space and time using street images and deep learning in Accra

Scientific Reports, vol. 12, iss. 1, pp. 20470, 2022.

Doyle YG, Solomon BD, Owusu G

Cities and global health: fragmented housing policies increase health risks for vulnerable people

BMJ, vol. 379, pp. e069671, 2022.

Su Y, Liu Z, Chang J, Deng Q, Zhang Y, Liu J, Long Y

Measuring accessibility to healthcare using taxi trajectories data: a case study of acute myocardial infarction cases in Beijing

International Journal of Health Policy and Management, vol. 12, iss. 1, pp. 1-7, 2022.

Tetteh JD, Templeton MR, Cavanaugh A, Bixby H, Owusu G, Yidana SM, Moulds S, Robinson B, Baumgartner J, Annim SK, Quartey R, Mintah SE, Bawah AA, Arku RE, Ezzati M, Agyei-Mensah S

Spatial heterogeneity in drinking water sources in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA), Ghana

Population and Environment, vol. 44, iss. 1-2, pp. 46-76, 2022.

Lim S, Bassey E, Bos B, Makacha L, Varaden D, Arku RE, Baumgartner J, Brauer M, Ezzati M, Kelly F, Barratt B

Comparing human exposure to fine particulate matter in low and high-income countries: A systematic review of studies measuring personal PM 2.5 exposure

Science of The Total Environment, vol. 833, pp. 155207, 2022.

Clark SN, Alli AS, Ezzati M, Brauer M, Toledano MB, Nimo J, Bedford-Moses J, Baah S, Hughes AF, Cavanaugh A, Agyei-Mensah S, Owusu G, Robinson B, Baumgartner J, Bennett JE, Arku RE

Spatial modelling and inequalities of environmental noise in Accra, Ghana

Environmental Research, vol. 214, iss. 2, pp. 113932, 2022.

Suel E, Sorek-Hamer M, Moise I, von Pohle M, Sahasrabhojanee A, Asanjan A, Arku RE, Alli AS, Barratt B, Clark SN, Middel A, Deardorff E, Lingenfelter V, Oza N, Yadav N, Ezzati M, Brauer M

Predicting air pollution spatial variation with street-level imagery

Remote Sensing, vol. 14, iss. 14, pp. 3429, 2022.

Asaria P, Bennett JE, Elliott P, Rashid T, Iyathooray Daby H, Douglass M, Francis DP, Fecht D, Ezzati M

Contributions of event rates, pre-hospital deaths, and deaths following hospitalisation to variations in myocardial infarction mortality in 326 districts in England: a spatial analysis of linked hospitalisation and mortality data

Lancet Public Health, vol. 7, iss. 10, pp. e813-824, 2022.

Ottoni CA, Winters M, Sims-Gould J

“We see each other from a distance”: Neighbourhood social relationships during the COVID-19 pandemic matter for older adults’ social connectedness

Health & Place, vol. 76, pp. 102844, 2022.

Moulds S, Chan ACH, Tetteh JD, Bixby H, Owusu G, Agyei-Mensah S, Ezzati M, Buytaert W, Templeton MR

Sachet water in Ghana: A spatiotemporal analysis of the recent upward trend in consumption and its relationship with changing household characteristics, 2010–2017

PLOS One, vol. 17, iss. 5, pp. e0265167, 2022.

Chu MT, Fenelon A, Rodriguez JI, Zota AR, Adamkiewicz G

Development of a multidimensional housing and environmental quality index (HEQI): application to the American Housing Survey

Environmental Health, vol. 21, pp. 56, 2022.

Sorek-Hamer M, von Pohle M, Asanjan A, Sahasrabhojanee A, Deardorff E, Lingenfelter V, Suel E, Das K, Oza N, Ezzati M, Brauer M

A deep learning approach for meter-scale air quality estimation in urban environments using very high-spatial-resolution satellite imagery

Atmosphere, vol. 13, iss. 5, pp. 696, 2022.

Hosford K, Beairsto J, Winters M

Evaluating walking and cycling accessibility to grocery stores in Vancouver

Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, vol. 14, pp. 100602, 2022.

Tseng TJ, Carter E, Yan, Chan Q, Elliott P, Ezzati M, Kelly F, Schauer JJ, Wu Y, Yang X, Zhao L, Baumgartner J

Household air pollution from solid fuel use as a dose-dependent risk factor for cognitive impairment in northern China

Scientific Reports, vol. 12, iss. 1, pp. 6187, 2022.

Parks RM, Benavides J, Anderson B, Nethery RC, Navas-Acien A, Dominici F, Ezzati M, Kioumourtzoglou M

Association of tropical cyclones with county-level mortality in the US

JAMA, vol. 327, iss. 10, pp. 946-955, 2022.

Yu J, Gustafson P, Tran M, Brauer M

Assessing trade-offs and optimal ranges of density for life expectancy and 12 causes of mortality in Metro Vancouver, Canada, 1990–2016

Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 19, iss. 5, pp. 2900, 2022.

151 entries « 2 of 7 »